
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and visit my collection of musings. I don't claim to be an expert in anything. Like you, I am taking this journey of life one day at a time, trying to make the most of every moment.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Disney Live

I've been meaning to blog for awhile.  There's been a lot going on in our lives lately, so I intend to devote some time to that soon.  But, for now, I wanted to mention a contest that is going on over at Domestic Debacle.  She is offering free tickets to see Disney Live down in Cincinnati.  Since it is all about princesses, I know my 3 little princesses would be thrilled!  We are all huge Disney fans, and it would give us a little bit of the magic here in Ohio.  Check it out at http://www.domesticdebacle.com/2012/01/03/disneylivegiveaway/#more-2443