
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and visit my collection of musings. I don't claim to be an expert in anything. Like you, I am taking this journey of life one day at a time, trying to make the most of every moment.

Friday, May 24, 2013


I will now attempt to compose something that makes a little bit of sense from a brain that currently feels like mush.

Overwhelmed.  That is the word that would best describe me at the moment.  Life is always crazy, but this past week has been especially overwhelming.  If I were swimming in the ocean, my head would just barely be rising above the water as I anxiously search for the next wave.  No real explanation is needed.  I am a wife, a homemaker, and mother to four small children.  It's easy to feel the stresses of life pressing in on you when you realize the full weight of all of your responsibilities.  I won't bother with listing all the details.  That would just serve to make me depressed as I realize the laundry is still calling my name, the dishes are piled high, and the "to-do list" just keeps growing.

I really want to concentrate on a different kind of "overwhelmed."  I'm overwhelmed with my Saviour.  It's so easy for Satan to remind me where I'm falling short.  The evidences are all around me (hence the laundry, the dishes, etc.).  Yet, Christ reminds me that I will ALWAYS fall short.  Our pastor in Wisconsin used to say, "You can't, but He can."  I think that is hard for anyone, but especially women.  We like to do it all.  After all, we are the queens of multitasking.  But, we can't.  When my head is spinning, I need to take a moment and say, "I can't, but You can."

So, right now, I'm overwhelmed.  I'm overwhelmed that my Saviour loves me even though I mess up Every. Single. Day.  I'm overwhelmed that He entrusted me with this amazing family.  I don't deserve these children.  They are on loan to me from my Heavenly Father.  He knows that through His strength and guidance, I can mother them the way they need to be mothered.  I still have a hard time truly believing that I am a worthy mother for them, but I'm working on it.  I'm overwhelmed that every day that I put something else above Him, He still gives me a second chance, and a third chance, and a 557th chance.  I often marvel that His mercies truly are new every morning.  I don't have to live in the shadow of my past failures.

My six-month-old son loves to be held.  He will fall asleep contentedly in my arms, but awaken abruptly when I try to put him in his crib.  He ALWAYS wants to be near his mama.  He needs me.  I NEED my Saviour.  I want to rest in His arms and never leave that peace and comfort.  I want to ALWAYS abide in Him.  The great news?  He never tries to set me down.  He never lets me "cry it out."  He is ALWAYS there.  He wraps His strong arms around me and won't let go, unless I leave them.  Why would we ever leave that comfort? 

Maybe you feel weary and burnt out.  Maybe you are overwhelmed with life.  Let me tell you, I can't do it.  I can't be the mother I'm supposed to be.  I can't be the example, the nurturer, the housekeeper, the teacher, and the list goes on.  But, He can.  And I'm going to be doing a lot more resting in His arms instead of trying to figure it out on my own.  Overwhelmed?  I will not let my circumstances overwhelm me.  The love of my Saviour floods my heart.  Yes, I'm overwhelmed.  Overwhelmed with Him.