
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and visit my collection of musings. I don't claim to be an expert in anything. Like you, I am taking this journey of life one day at a time, trying to make the most of every moment.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A life worth living

This past week was quite eventful, and a huge assortment of thoughts has been cluttering my mind of late. Our stay here in the hotel has presented us with the opportunity to watch television, something we had not been accustomed to as of late. Today, I have been consumed by the news, something I often steer clear from, due to its depressing nature. However, I was drawn in today, and I cannot help but feel outraged at the likelihood that "Obamacare" will be forced onto us in America.

I certainly do not want to delve into all the details of the bill, but I just cannot overlook one aspect which touches home so deeply to me. I have a difficult time accepting the fact that my taxpayer money will help to fund abortions. As someone who lived through a high risk pregnancy, where the physicians did everything in their power to keep my babies alive, it seems like a horrific contradiction to say that other unborn babies are not worth the trouble.

It is days like today that I am glad that my citizenship is in heaven. The things of this earth are far too overwhelming for me to tackle on my own. Whether discouraged by the political climate or by a fussy toddler, I can always lay my concerns at the feet of my Heavenly Father. I cannot become disheartened. Today is a gift that I refuse to waste on pining over problems.

This past month has certainly been ridden with its share of trials. I will not deny that I have shed a few tears and mumbled several angry words during our transition period. Frustration has been preeminent. However, I feel enormously blessed that we were provided with the resources and flexability to make this situation more than just bearable. God never lets us deal with something that is more than we can handle through His strength. My prayer is that I can always remember that, especially "in the moment." Just think how much less complicated life would be! We all, born and unborn, have been gifted with a tremendous opportunity to live a life worth living.


  1. Good thoughts, Mary. I appreciated the perspective of remembering our true citizenship is in heaven.

  2. Yes so true ~ Heaven is our Genuine, Eternal HOME!

  3. Mary,
    well said!!!
    you are gifted
    you give love...
    you enjoy your life...
    in mist of all the trials you still bring JOY to others
    i've never met you, but feel like i know you
    thank you for sharing
    please continue to write
    love to you Georgiana
