
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and visit my collection of musings. I don't claim to be an expert in anything. Like you, I am taking this journey of life one day at a time, trying to make the most of every moment.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Give it a Rest!

Yesterday morning, after putting the girls on the bus for school, I tried to turn my attention to some things I needed to accomplish around the house.  I like to take advantage of the few hours each week when I only have one child to watch, so I can get some housework done.  However, Patience was not fully cooperating.  I knew my time was limited anyways, since I had to take her to the pediatrician's office for a vaccine, so I was becoming quite annoyed that the baby wanted my attention.  Didn't she see the pile of laundry that needed to be folded?  What was her problem?  She had been changed and fed; and there were piles of toys surrounding her, waiting to be played with or chewed on.  But nothing satisfied her.  She wanted Mommy, and Mommy just needed to stop and hold her. 

I started thinking about how often all three of my children cry for my attention.  Often, their needs seem trite to me.  Grace took a book away from Hope.  Hope threw a toy at Patience.  Patience pulled Grace's hair.  Many times, I don't even know why they are upset.  But the reasons are valid to them, and they need their Mommy to give them comfort and understanding.  I wonder how many times we do this to our heavenly Father.  I know I am often guilty.  So and so never calls me.  Why don't I have any friends?  Why can't we eat a meal without some sort of meltdown?  As pathetic as each of my cries may be, He patiently hears me and gently gives me the comfort that only He can provide.

In my motherhood journey, I quickly learned that a lack of sleep usually results in very cranky children and those seemingly trite complaints become magnified.  It always baffles me that my girls fight sleep so much.  Who wouldn't want to sleep?  I love sleep and would give anything to just be able to set everything aside to sleep for a few hours in the middle of every day.  I wonder if the Lord wonders the same thing about me.  Why doesn't Mary just stop and rest in Me?  Why is she fighting My calm?  Her world would not seem so chaotic and futile to her if she just laid all of her cares at My feet each day, before the troubles overtake her and she feels like she just can't go on.

So, amidst caring for a fussy baby, I learned an important lesson.  Just as Mommy can make things better when things are out of control for the girls, my Heavenly Father can put the pieces back together when my world is spinning.  If Grace, Hope, and Patience would just listen to Mommy and take a nap everyday, they wouldn't be cranky and miserable halfway through the day.  If Mommy would just listen to the Lord, she would know enough to rest in Him and let His strength carry her through the day.  Slowly but surely, I'm learning; and wow, what a difference it makes!

1 comment:

  1. another beautiful loving post
    so so true of all of us
    thanks Mary
