
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and visit my collection of musings. I don't claim to be an expert in anything. Like you, I am taking this journey of life one day at a time, trying to make the most of every moment.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Give Up!

God's Hand is always at work. The past few weeks have been quite eventful. Happily, our family is settled into a cozy little home in Ohio. Four years ago, or even four months ago, I never would have imagined my life where it is now. However, I couldn't be more content.

Sometimes, it's really hard not to focus on our problems. I think we all can be found guilty of that every now and then. "Woe is me", "Why me?", and "I just can't handle any more" can plague our thoughts like a dreadful swarm of locusts, buzzing about us, growing in strength and number the more we dwell on them. I've certainly had my share of complaints lately. From aching muscles to hospital visits to insensitive comments . . . well, I could go on. But, I won't. My problems, trite as they may seem to others, but thoroughly valid in my own mind, should be laid at the feet of my Heavenly Father for Him to deal with. He is much more powerful than me, and certainly far larger than my problems. Every day, every hour, every moment of my "turmoil" I need to remember to just give up. Give up on me trying to fix things, give up on me trying to change people, give up on feeling regret for things in the past, give up on feeling anxiety for the future, give up on trying to be perfect. Sound pessimistic? Definitely not! I can experience a whole new world of freedom if I just take a deep breath, give it all up to my Savior, and realize that He can fix things much better than I can, only He can change people, He can take away my past regrets, He can give me hope for the future, and only He is perfect. Ahhh . . . that feels so much better.

I have no idea what next year will bring, or even what tomorrow will bring. However, I know that God has amazing things in store for my family, and I couldn't feel more blessed. I just pray that I can remember each and every day to let go of myself and hang onto my Father.