
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and visit my collection of musings. I don't claim to be an expert in anything. Like you, I am taking this journey of life one day at a time, trying to make the most of every moment.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Pursuing Perfect Peace

Things have been a bit unsettled in the Lemke household for the past few months.  We've been praying about where God wants us right now, and whether or not it is time to move.  Everything has seemed to point to moving back out to New Hampshire.  It is no secret that I would love to be near my family, and that feeling all alone in the Midwest lost its charm a long time ago.  But, I know that if God wants me here, I will make the best of it -- which is how I've behaved in the past two years that we've lived in Ohio.  I have tried to get out of the house as much as possible with three small children, and I must say that we've done okay.  I've learned a lot, and I know without a doubt that there really is no other friend like Jesus.  When the rest of my world is rocky, He is my constant companion, always willing to lend a shoulder to a weary daughter.

In December, Jeff had a promising interview with a company in NH.  We excitedly prayed and waited.  We received more signs that, yes, this was going to happen.  Things were pointing us east.  I cleaned out the deep freezer and used up almost all of the food in the pantry.  Every day, I checked Jeff's e-mail and asked if he received any phone calls.  I kept excitedly planning my next Facebook status:  "God is good."  "Early Christmas present."  "Great way to start the new year."  "Answered prayer."  And then, after waiting for almost two months, the opportunity fell through, and I felt like we were starting over again.  Disappointed, we told ourselves that God has a different plan for us.  But, it was really hard for my heart to truly believe that.  I felt defeated.  I was doing everything right -- right?  I had placed it all in God's very capable hands, I didn't badger or plan or connive.  I just trusted that it was all going to work out.  But then, it didn't work out the way I planned.  Hmm -- ironic, I guess.  You see, it really was my plan.  God led us down that path for a reason, but the reason was not for us to move right now.  Jeff and I still believe that the Lord wants us to move east, but we know that it needs to be when He's ready.

So the other day, during a miraculous moment when all 3 girls were napping (a true rarity in this house), I kneeled beside my bed asking my Father for peace.  I don't understand.  I don't like the unsettled feeling that I have, not knowing if I'm moving next month or next year.  There are several other major issues which have been plaguing us; but I know we need to just lay them at the feet of our Creator.  But I keep telling myself that I have done this.  I'm constantly talking to God, affirming that it's all in His hands.  That is why I'm praying for peace -- the peace that can calm the fiercest storm, ease a child's troubled dreams, and quiet the spirits of a young couple seeking the next step for their family.  I've always known that my future is in His hands, and I've always willingly given it over to Him.  But, my most urgent prayer now is that He will wash us in the calming peace that only He can provide, as we patiently wait for His next instructions.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Disney Live comes to Dayton


We are ready for a break in the Lemke household.  The past few weeks have been difficult, and I've been begging Jeff for another Disney vacation.  However, since it doesn't look like he'll be getting a significant amount of time off any time soon, I figure that this would be the next best thing.  My three little princesses adore the Disney princesses, and dress up time is virtually constant in the Lemke house.  Domestic Debacle is running another giveaway, this time for the show in Dayton.  Since we are down in the area almost every weekend, it would be perfect for us.  Here's hoping for some pixie dust!