
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and visit my collection of musings. I don't claim to be an expert in anything. Like you, I am taking this journey of life one day at a time, trying to make the most of every moment.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

God is taking care of us

I've been struggling for a few weeks with how exactly to put my feelings of the past 2 months into words.  I definitely want to express how the Lord has been working in me, so here goes . . .

It is no secret that November and December were eventful months for us.  On November 17th, our little Micah man turned one.  That was such a precious reminder of God's faithfulness to us over the past year.  Micah's birth was such a whirlwind, with his arrival coming just a few days after our move to Maine.  God took care of us.

On November 19th, Grace and Hope turned 5.  That fact in and of itself is hard for me to fathom.  When they were born so premature, at just 29 weeks gestation, it was difficult to imagine them at 5 weeks, let alone 5 years!  But, here they are, vibrant and strong-willed, beautiful and smart.  They've come through many struggles, and today they are thriving.  God took care of us.

Move back one day to November 18th and my routine 16 week OB appointment.  Doctor's visits are always somewhat annoying.  Getting into "town" takes at least 30 minutes, and dragging 4 kids along just makes it even longer.  Jeff usually meets me at appointments and sits in the van with the kids, while I just keep looking at the clock, knowing that Jeff needs to get back to work, and the kids are probably getting antsy.  On this particular day, I learned that the baby's heart had stopped a few days prior.  I called Jeff to tell him I would be a few extra minutes since the baby was dead.  We then carried on as usual.  I drove myself and the kids home while Jeff went back to work.  God took care of us.

Move forward to the beginning of December.  Micah fell forward into a pellet stove, burning his hands.  Lots of dressing changes and visits to doctors ensued, but his hands now bear almost no evidence of the accident.  God took care of us.

There have been lots of other "things" within the past 2 months, but the ending is always the same:  God took care of us.  The fact will always remain that no matter what trial we may encounter, my Lord is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.  We all face unpleasantries.  Some seasons may seem harder than others.  Some days may seem downright unbearable.  I can honestly say that I've been doing okay during these past few weeks.  I've been shown immense love and mercy by family and friends.  Sure, I've been sad.  Sure, I've worried.  But I know that He has this under control, and His blessings never cease to amaze me.  God is taking care of us.

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